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Lakota Cockers
Ch Lakota N Sunnycapp Deep N the Matrix
Ch. Gold-Coast ColorN Outside The Lines 4 Lakota X Ch Lakota's Presence in the aftermath
Mr. Anderson Was bred here in America and finished quickly-
in fact finished on his First Birthday!
Now his adventure in Canada
begins with his Mom
Daria Edgecombe
~SunnyCapp Cockers~
Best of Both Worlds...
Hoping to see him light up the Frozen North!!
Mr Anderson goes WD/BOS for a 3pt major his first day in the show ring (a week after turning 6mo)
WD/BOS for a 4pt major
Thursday 10/27/22 Best of winners 2pts (2 shows)
Friday 10/28/22 another single Best of Winners and Variety- not to mention Group 2 owner handled
Saturday 10/29/22 BOS to his sister and over a special for a single point
On his first birthday Mr Anderson Takes a 3pt major in Perry Ga- under the guidance of Rachel Legath to finish
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