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Lakota Cockers

Ch. Lakota's Count Your Blessings CGC
AmGCh. Can Ch Shaankata Chrisan Seize Theday X Ch Lakota's Beautiful Dichotomy

Mala goes BOS
(and Winners dog according to the photographer LOL)
for her 1st point

Mala goes WB BOS
for a 5pt Major
Phoenix shows : Sat BOS 4pt Major
(this time shown by my granddaughter)
Sun BOS 4pt Major

Patellas- Normal
CAER- 03/18/21
PRA- Clear by Parentage

Mala takes BOV two days in a row in Truth or Consequences NM to finish her championship. Thank you to Judges:
-Sue Goldburg
-Denys Janssen
Star Puppy and CGC
(thank you to laughing dog Farms and Kim Ramsey)
Mala now Resides in a super Retirement Home

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